Panitia Pemilihan
Pemilihan Mitra untuk Proyek Kerja Sama Fasilitas Pengolahan Sampah Antara di Dalam Kota DKI Jakarta : (1) Wilayah Layanan Timur dan (2) Wilayah Layanan Selatan
Selection Committee
the Selection of Partner for the Development of Intermediate Treatment Facility Cooperation Project in DKI Jakarta: (1) East Service Area and (2) South Service Area
No. |
: 002.5.2/-1.712 |
Lampiran/attached |
: - |
Perihal/Re. |
: Pengumuman Pemberitahuan Perpanjangan Waktu Pemasukkan Dokumen Prakualifikasi Pemilihan Mitra – Proyek Kerjasama Fasilitas Pengolahan Sampah Antara (FPSA) di Dalam Kota Provinsi DKI Jakarta Wilayah Layanan Timur dan Wilayah Layanan Selatan / Additional Time Announcement for Prequalification Document Submission of Partner Selection – for the Development of Intermediate Treatment Facility (ITF) Project in DKI Jakarta: East Service Area and South Service Area. |
Calon Peserta Pemilihan Mitra Kerjasama FPSA/
The Participant Candidates for ITF Partner Selection
Dengan Hormat / Sincerely,
Sehubungan dengan jadwal pelaksaaan pemasukan dokumen prakualifikasi Pemilihan Mitra - Proyek Kerjasama Fasilitas Pengolahan Sampah Antara (FPSA) di Dalam Kota Provinsi DKI Jakarta: Wilayah Layanan Timur dan Wilayah Layanan Selatan yang akan berakhir tanggal 05 Februari 2021, dapat kami sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:
According to the schedule for the submission of pre-qualification documents for Selection of Partners- the Intermediate Treatment Facility (ITF) in DKI Jakarta: East Service Area and the South Service Area which will end on February 5, 2021, we can convey the following:
Based on the policy of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) in the Minister of Home Affairs Instruction Number 1 of 2021 concerning Enforcement of Activity Limits for Control of the Spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)
Based on the Governor Decision of DKI Jakarta Number 51 of 2021 on Extension of Enforcement, Duration and Limitation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions on Outdoor Activities;
Based on DKI Governor Regulation Number 3 of 2021 on Implementing Regulation of Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2020 on Handling Corona Virus Disease 2019
That application of standard security protocols due to the impact of Covid-19 which varies from country to country so that processing documents abroad has an impact on processing time abroad and provides opportunities for business entities to prepare documents to meet the pre-qualification requirements to increase competition for business entities
That during the scheduled period for the submission of prequalification documents, Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya has received requests for an additional time of the submission of qualification documents that have been received from Partner Candidates for the Development of ITF Project in the East Service Area and the South Service Area;
Based on Instruction to Participant (ITP) III.3.3 on Preparation of Qualification Document for Revision of Prequalification Document, describe The Selection Committee may, at its discretion, extend the Qualification Document submission deadline to give each Participant a reasonable time to prepare their Qualification Document in response to the RfQ;
Based on above matters, we have DECIDED to extend the period for submitting the pre-qualification documents to February 22, 2021 from February 5, 2021, with the following explanations:
Jadwal Sebelumnya/ Previous Schedule:
Schedule for the Submission of Prequalification Document |
: sampai dengan 05 Februari 2021/ until on February 05, 2021 |
The Deadline of The Submission of Prequalification Document
: 05 February 2021 Pukul 14.00 WIB/
February 05, 2021 at 14.00 WIB |
the Submission of the Document |
: Hardcopy Asli dan Salinan (2 Copy), Sesuai informasi Bagian 4 - LDP Nomor 3, halaman 53 /
Original of Physical Document and its copies ( 2 Copies), based on information Section 4 – PDS number 3, page 53. |
Jadwal Perubahannya Menjadi / The Change in Schedule becomes:
Schedule for the Submission of Prequalification Document |
: sampai dengan 22 Februari 2021/
until on Februari 22, 2021 |
The Deadline of The Submission of Prequalification Document |
: 22 Februari 2021 Pukul 14.00 WIB/
February 22, 2021 at 14.00 WIB |
the Submission of the Document |
: Hardcopy Asli dan Salinan (2 Copy), Sesuai informasi Bagian 4 - LDP Nomor 3, halaman 53 /
Original of Physical Document and its copies (2 Copies), based on information Section 4 – PDS number 3, page 53. |
To revoke and call off the announcement letter for the opening of the qualification document Number 002.5.1 /-1.712 regarding the Opening of the Prequalification Document for Selection of Partner - Intermediate Treatment Facility (ITF) in DKI Jakarta: (1) East Service Area and (2) Southern Service Area on February 2, 2021;
With the change in the schedule for the submission of this pre-qualification document, based on the Prequalification Document Section I (General Information), III. Outline of the PQ Process changes to be as follows:
No |
Pencapaian / Achievement |
Perkiraan Tanggal /Expected Date |
1. |
Batas Akhir Penyerahan Dokumen Prakualifikasi /
The Deadline for the Submission of Prequalification Document
22 Februari 2021 Pukul 14.00 WIB / Februari 22, 2021 at 14.00 WIB |
2. |
Pembukaan Dokumen Prakualifikasi (On Line Zoom Meeting) / The Opening of Prequalification Document ( Online via Zoom Meeting)
22 Februari 2021 Pukul 14.20 WIB / Februari 22, 2021 at 14.20 WIB |
3. |
Pengumuman Hasil Kualifikasi / The Announcement of Qualification Result
08 Maret 2021 / March 08, 2021 |
4. |
Periode Sanggah / Objection Period
09-17 Maret 2021 / March 09-17, 2021 |
5. |
Pengumuman Permintaan Proposal/ Announcement of Request for Proposal
22 Maret 2021/ March 22, 2021 |
Demikian pengumuman perpanjangan jangka waktu pemasukan dokumen prakualifikasi Pemilihan Mitra- Proyek Kerjasama Fasilitas Pengolahan Sampah Antara (FPSA) di Dalam Kota Provinsi DKI Jakarta Wilayah Layanan Timur dan Wilayah Layanan Selatan kami sampaikan untuk dapat diketahui.
Thus the announcement of the additional time of the period for submitting pre-qualification documents of Selection of Partner for the Development of Intermediate Treatment Facility (ITF) Project in DKI Jakarta: East Service Area and South Service Area are conveyed to be known.
Jakarta, 03 Februari 2021/ Jakarta, February 03, 2021
Hormat Kami, / Sincerely,
Panitia Pemilihan Proyek Kerjasama Fasilitas Pengolahan Sampah Antara (FPSA) di Dalam Kota DKI Jakarta Wilayah Timur dan Wilayah Selatan.
03 Februari 2021
Committee Selection for the Development of Intermediate Treatment Facility (ITF) Project in DKI Jakarta: East Service Area and South Service Area
February 03, 2021